Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

I decided to write my first entry on my life. The movie critic is also an employment specialist for a non-profit that houses criminals. I know it sounds scary, but hey its a paycheck! I help transition ex-offenders for the work world. Did i mention, that I love movies?I want to write a script for a movie, direct one or be a leading actress in it some day. My dream list is endless. I seem to have trouble staying focused to accomplish some of them. I'm still young, I have time. Turning 25 this year was hard for me. It meant child-hood is over and now is the time to be independent, to be this great person. I wonder if I will add up to what is expected from me. I'm realizing that you have to live for you, not for anyone else. Yeah that may seem cliche, but truth is how many times do you find yourself pleasing everyone but you? I love music, its my inspiration for everything. I love all types/genres/artist/ If I could pick a favorite artist it would be Beyonce, hands down! I love her soul/pop/alternative musical style. I like artist who show they can be versatile. I enjoy the arts as well, I love to hit up a good play, learn a new form of art and appreciate others talents. I choose to do this blog because I am a true movie lover/hater. I enjoy critiquing good movies and making sure people know about the bad ones.


Don said...

Beyonce handles her business.

What do you think about the movie The Notebook?

Neptune said...

I think the Notebook was a beautiful love story. It shows the true essence of what love should be. Love is not perfect, but you love the person enough to try to make it perfect.